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Business Savings Accounts

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Compare our Best Business Savings Accounts

Get the right balance between return on your money and ease of access with our comparison of the leading providers

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Our best business savings accounts rates

Our highest interest rates for a range of business savings accounts available in the UK. Be aware that the products with the highest interest rates may often be further down the results table. This list is updated daily.  

What is a business savings account?

A business savings account is similar to a personal savings account as it allows you to earn interest on a sum of money that you don’t wish to spend. 

A business savings account also acts as an alternative to a current account, where you might be earning little to no interest. This means you can use a business savings account as a way to grow your business’ wealth and it acts as a safety net if you suddenly have a large business expense.

Do I need a business savings account?

There are many reasons why you might need a business savings account, but the main thing to consider is you could be making some extra money from the surplus cash you have in the business. You’ll usually find higher interest rates in a business saving account rather than a current account, so it makes sense to move your money.

It’s also important to note, if your company is registered with companies house then you are legally required to keep your business finances separate from your personal account.

Freelancers and sole traders don’t have this same legal requirement but it would still be worthwhile considering a business savings account if you already have a business bank account.